Thank you for your answer.
Are there some reserved variable names in function arguments ?
If I do (as per example in filter.conf in git repo):
function onef(string s)
return 1;
I get syntax error in the first line of the function. However,
function onef(string a)
return 1;
On 09/05/17 07:32 AM, Ondrej Zajicek wrote:
On Mon, May 08, 2017 at 04:43:32PM -0400, Damien Clabaut wrote:
Hello again,
Is there any way to declare a list of interfaces in a string set or
something ?
No, string sets are not implemented. Although it is something that makes
sense to add.
You could define functions that match a set of string:
function xxx(string s)
return s = "dev1" || s = "dev2" || s = "dev3";
Then you could use such functions in filters of direct and pipe protocol.
Instead of:
protocol direct direct_numa0 {
table numa0;
interface "eth4.800", "eth4.801";
You could use:
protocol direct direct_numa0 {
table numa0;
import where xxx(ifname);
Damien Clabaut
R&D vRouter