Hi Everyone

I'm not sure if this is a proper group for asking about an issue I have.

I'm new to BIRD and decided to build POC where I have a bunch of servers (SRV1, SRV2, SRVxx) with BIRD and the same /32 prefixes on loopback interfaces. Those prefixes are sent to RT-MAIN. To have only one active server with designated IP prefix I decided to prepend the prefix on other servers n times. This configuration works fine. Failovers work perfectly but with infrastructure I have with a lot of changes I have to use an agent to refresh BIRD configuration files very often. To get rid of this problem I came with an idea to use a management routers connected to all servers sending the same prefixes as on my servers but with communities, e.g. (65000,n) where n means how many times prefix should be prepended on server. Topology would look like this:





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This is an idea but I have a problem with implementation. Is it possible with BIRD to write an export filter which will be able to use communities received prom other peer? For example, if SRV1 receives prefix with community (65000,3) form RT-MGMT and this prefix is configured on interface lo then it should be send to RT-MAIN prepended three times

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