Ahoy all,

I've been asking on IRC and tried to find a definitive answer in the ML
archives, but I'm still not sure what the current state is.

Our Setup:

BIRD (1.4.0 FreeBSD 10.x) <- OSPF/MPLS -> BIRD (1.5.0 FreeBSD 11.x)

There were some msgs back in 2014 about merging ECMP support for
FreeBSD but when I enable it, no more traffic is going through.
I can see the Multipath setup in birdc though. Some users on IRC
suggested it would only work on Linux but in this case I'm not
free to decide which OS to pick and bound to FreeBSD.

Did I miss anything or is there really no working ECMP support
for bird on FreeBSD yet? If not, is there some sort of bounty
possibility? I could check with my company if they're open to
it (since we really need it) - if that could help bring that
feature forward.


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