> On Mar 7, 2017, at 1:16 PM, Thomas@PhaseHosting <tho...@phasehosting.io> 
> wrote:
> Supp,
> I want to send the med with eBGP to my hosts their routers so i can influence 
> where the network traffic enters my virtual envirement. I have 3 hypervisors 
> that run bird.
> I can only controll the traffic from my virtual envirement to the internet, 
> because this runs on bird and ucarp. So through the hypervisor where the 
> ucarp interface is placed does my traffic leave. this subnet is also 
> distributed to the other hypervisors through iBGP.
> These hypervisors have all an eBGP connection to my hosts addressing the 
> subnet. So hypervisor 1 isnt the single point of failure. But know the best 
> route (at my hosts to my subnet) is chosen on router age. So in case the 
> first hypervisor dies and the second takes over everything works. but if the 
> first hypervisor comes back alive the eBGP connection from hypervisor 2 stays 
> because of its age.
> I want to send a med value on all the eBGp connections from the hypervisors. 
> So my hosts routes always first to hypervisor 1 and then to 2 and so on.

in your environment if the oldest BGP session is the inbound, if you want to 
make hyper1 the master again, just do a soft reset of the BGP session on 
hypervisor 2. you can configure this to be executed via a ucarp script when 
hypervisor 1 comes back online. 

outbound will always be via the ucarp floating address (the gateway)

> so is this the right configuration to send a med value to my host with the 
> subnet as static route:
> # your default gateway IP below here
> protocol bgp eBGP {
> import none;
> export  filter {
>          where proto = "static_packet";
>          bgp_med = 100;
>           };
> local as 65000;
> neighbor 10.80.x.x as 65530;
> password "SECRET";
> }
> Op 3/7/2017 om 7:08 PM schreef Ondrej Zajicek:
>> On Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 03:43:13PM +0100, Thomas@PhaseHosting wrote:
>>> Supp,
>>> thnqx for the reply,
>>> The BGP i have figured out and i have confirmation from my host they accept
>>> customer-set MEDs. Only i couldn't get these working and i found 2 posts on
>>> the internet with a different configuration and i don't know which one is
>>> the right one, "med metric 10;" or "default bgp_med 10;"
>>> Am i right that MED is the only option to influence the  eBGP and manipulate
>>> the prefered path? ( Values like AS are the same and others are not
>>> accepted)
>> Hi
>> I do not understand if you are trying to manipulate your hosts/routers (i.e.
>> outgoing direction) or neighbors routers (i.e. incoming direction).
>> Both could be influenced by bgp_med attribute (e.g. 'bgp_med = 100;' in
>> import or export filter) assuming your neighbors are from the same AS.
>> Option 'default bgp_med' is probably not what you want, that is used only if
>> a route with MED is compared to a route without MED.
>> Option 'med metric' could be used if you want to compare bgp_med
>> attributes on routes received from different AS numbers. But it is a
>> true/false option, the MED still must be set in filters.
> -- 
> Thomas Valgaeren
> tho...@phasehosting.io
> +32477915307

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