
I recently noticed, that there isn't a systemd unit for bird.
That's why I want to share mine. You could add them into the bird package 
Further information: you need to put this into /etc/systemd/system

Furthermore I wrote a script in perl which basicly activates or disables the 
originating of the default-route into the ospf area relating to incoming BGP 
The needed perl module is from this page: 
You need to download birdctl.pm and put it in the same folder as the script.
Next you need to adjust the ENV variable to your folder.

As a little extra I created a systemd unit for my script.
You need to adjust the path here, too.

Greetings, Sascha.

Attachment: bird.service
Description: bird.service

Attachment: check_bgp.pl
Description: check_bgp.pl

Attachment: checkbgp.service
Description: checkbgp.service

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