Hi guys,

Do you know if there are any plans for implementing RFC 5549 for BGP somewhere 
in the future?
This would make it possible to advertise IPv4 networks using IPv6 next hops 
directly which might come in handy in an IPv4 deprived world.

Kind regards,

Stefan Plug

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards / Met vriendelijke groet

Stefan Plug
Network Engineer

Tel: +49.30.81495455
GSM: +49.151.58040805
Fax: +49.30.81495459
Web: http://www.ecix.net/

PEERING GmbH - Division ECIX
Lindenallee 27
14050 Berlin

Geschaeftsfuehrer: Stefan Wahl
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 97752B, USt-Id-Nr: DE2746301838

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