Hello Ondrej ,
On Fri, 8 Jan 2016, Ondrej Filip wrote:
Hi BIRD users!
I hope you will forgive me one e-mail regarding our other project. As
you might know, our company (CZ.NIC) is currently developing not just
BIRD, but we are also working on an open source (SW and HW) SOHO
router called Turris Omnia. To support our development we launched an
IndieGoGo campaign. The campaign will end on Monday, so if you want to
buy a great open source router that works very well with BIRD, please
check this URL -
Kind regards and good luck in 2016!
Another very interesting & usefull project from the team at nic.cz .
In all my searches of the discussions I found no one interested in a
serial console access to the device for people with oob access needs , say are
a part of their design criteria for SOHO devices ? Is there or will there be
plans to allow/create such oob access ?
Another ? , Has anyone come forward to sell or ship from a USA company
to allow for lower shipping fee's & in country (for me I'll admit) shipping
options ?
Tia , JimL
| James W. Laferriere | System Techniques | Give me VMS |
| Network&System Engineer | 3237 Holden Road | Give me Linux |
| bab...@baby-dragons.com | Fairbanks, AK. 99709 | only on AXP |