Part of the problem is the kernel. The other part is BGP multipath. I've
offered to sponsor its development, but the maintainers of bird aren't

On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 6:31 PM, d tbsky <> wrote:

> 2015-12-14 23:02 GMT+08:00 Shaun Crampton <>:
>> Hi,
>> I found a few messages in the archive that mention multi path and ECMP
>> but the website says it's TODO.  I was just wondering what the status is?
>> I'm interested in having BIRD configure the Linux routing table for ECMP,
>> if possible.
>> Thanks,
>> -Shaun
> I am curious about this topic also. several years ago I use bird 1.4 +
> ospf ecmp at linux 2.6 (rehl6 and openwrt AA), they work quite well so I
> don't think much about it.
> recently I try bird 1.4.5 + ospf ecmp at linux 3.10/3.16 (rhel7 and
> openwrt CC), they work very bad.  after study I realize it's because linux
> kernel 3.6 remove routing cache.
> but the situation may get better since the new patch get merged in kernel
> 4.4
> I have heard that bird 1.5 get some new functions about ecmp, but I can
> not  find out what are them. can anybody give some hint about what's new in
> bird ecmp?

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