Hello, We are running BIRD on a number of servers. It is configured with two BGP peers.
We are seeing BIRD using over a gig of memory, and this seems excessive, especially given the number of routes. BIRD 1.5.0 ready. bird> show memory BIRD memory usage Routing tables: 1142 MB Route attributes: 48 kB ROA tables: 192 B Protocols: 45 kB Total: 1142 MB bird> show route count 656 of 656 routes for 333 networks The memory usage goes up slowly, starting from a few MB; this particular instance has been up for 3 days and 2 hours. Is there something we can do to reduce the memory usage? Or could this be a memory leak bug? The config is attached. Let me know if you need any more information. Thanks in advance! Alex
log syslog { info, remote, warning, error, auth, fatal, bug }; router id; filter bgp_import { accept; } filter bgp_export { if source ~ [RTS_STATIC, RTS_DEVICE, RTS_INHERIT] && net.len = 32 then accept; else reject; } filter kernel_export { krt_prefsrc =; if source = RTS_BGP then accept; else reject; } protocol kernel { persist; scan time 2; device routes; import all; export filter kernel_export; learn on; merge paths on; } protocol device { scan time 2; } protocol static { } protocol direct { } template bgp peer { local as 64513; bfd on; import filter bgp_import; export filter bgp_export; } protocol bgp peer1 from peer { neighbor as 64512; } protocol bgp peer2 from peer { neighbor as 64512; } protocol bfd { interface "eth0" { interval 1000 ms; multiplier 4; }; interface "eth1" { interval 1000 ms; multiplier 4; }; }