On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 09:45:54PM +0100, Ondrej Zajicek wrote:
> > Does Bird keep inserting routes in the kernel while it is scanning the
> > routing table?  If so, then we probably hit this bug.
> Hi
> Thanks for noticing it.
> We generally do not insert routes during the scan as scanning is an
> undivided process in BIRD and all synchronization is done immediately
> after the scan, but perhaps it is triggered anyways.

Ah, that's interesting.  Since the box is a router, maybe new routes are
inserted during the synchronisation because of the routing cache?  That
is, new destinations are looked up and inserted in the cache all the time
by the kernel, so that the FIB is constantly modified.

I'll try to disable the routing cache to see if it fixes the issue.

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