On Wed, 28 Jan 2015, Arnaud Fenioux wrote:
> Hello the bird community,
> I've two small questions, I've put them in the same mail even if they are not 
> related :
> 1/ I currently use this code in my config to reject ???martians???
>         if ( is_martian() ) then {
>                 reject "prefix rejected by is_martian";
>         }
> Which prints in logs : <INFO> prefix rejected by is_martian
> Do you know if there is a way to add some variables in the log (like 
> bgp_path.first, from or net) ?

Yes, for example in a function called rt_import_all, I use:

  if net_martian() then
    print "rt_import_all: ", net, " from ", from, ": net_martian() returned 
    return false;

so I imagine you could do:

  if ( is_martian() ) then {
    reject "prefix rejected by is_martian: ", net, " from ", from, " 
bgp_path.first ", bgp_path.first;


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