Hello bind users. We are running bind 9.14.28 on Ubuntu and have an offsite provider for our DNS services. The cname we create for our webserver www.wadsworth.org<http://www.wadsworth.org> is working well. However, I've been asked if we can point the apex record at the external webserver.
If I'm understanding the docs I've looked at, there are ways if we had external DNS services, rather than the on-prem Bind server, or if bind supported the Alias RR. I know it can, but does not natively, or at least not the document I found which indicates we'd need to modify the source code. I'm looking for guidance on how to point the named domain name, the apex record at the IP addresses provided by the cname name we are using for our webserver. Thanks in advance, Brian Brian Cuttler, System and Network Administration Wadsworth Center, NYS Department of Health Albany, NY 12201 POB 509 brian.cutt...@health.ny.gov<mailto:brian.cutt...@health.ny.gov> 518 486-1697
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