Hi Leonie,

thank you for approaching us before making the contribution. Before we accept 
any code there are two main questions to be asked:

a) is this going to be useful to anyone else but a handful of researchers?
b) who is going to maintain the code long term?

Adding a new transport mechanism to the BIND 9 code isn’t something that can be 
done by drive-by contribution. It needs to be driven by user-demand and there 
needs to be clear path of maintainability.

If you want to undertake the task, this needs to be done properly - implemented 
as a transport protocol in the lib/isc/netmgr/, accompanied with unit and 
system tests. This is not something that you can just cram into dig skipping 
all the abstraction layers.

Perhaps you can start by describing why this should be implemented in BIND 9, 
what is the intended audience and how do you envision this would be maintained 
when your semestral project ends?

Ondřej Surý — ISC (He/Him)

My working hours and your working hours may be different. Please do not feel 
obligated to reply outside your normal working hours.

> On 1. 11. 2024, at 15:22, Leonie Seelisch 
> <leonie.seeli...@mailbox.tu-dresden.de> wrote:
> Dear users and contributors,
> we are a group of students from the technical university in Dresden. In the 
> context of a group project, we want to extend BIND and dig with DNS over CoAP 
> [1]. Our plan is it to implement it in BIND as a library and in dig directly 
> in the existing code. For both, we want to make use of the existing C-library 
> libcoap [2] that already implements CoAP.
> We would appreciate any feedback you can provide so that our efforts can be 
> meaningful and beneficial to the project.
> Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to the opportunity to 
> collaborate with you.
> Kind regards,
> Fabian Krusch, Leonie Seelisch, Markus Ziehe
> Dresden University of Technology
> [1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-core-dns-over-coap
> [2] https://libcoap.net/
> --
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