I've noticed TreeMemTotal seems to be ever-increasing, while TreeMemMax and HeapMemMax remain at 0. I didn't find any related fixes in the newer versions of 9.18, 9.20, or 9.21.
Just started keeping track of stats via the JSON API. Running BIND 9.18.28 on Ubuntu 22.04. HeapMemTotal and HeapMemInUse remain constant, which perhaps is expected over a short period. Does anyone have any insight here, especially with TreeMemTotal? The below lines were each taken a few seconds after the previous one. OK: TreeTotal=161704249788 TreeUsed=272845868 TreeMax=0 HeapTotal=170624064 HeapUsed=6825024 HeapMax=0 OK: TreeTotal=161707270746 TreeUsed=272964488 TreeMax=0 HeapTotal=170624064 HeapUsed=6825024 HeapMax=0 OK: TreeTotal=161717704808 TreeUsed=272788470 TreeMax=0 HeapTotal=170624064 HeapUsed=6825024 HeapMax=0 OK: TreeTotal=161720830065 TreeUsed=272903862 TreeMax=0 HeapTotal=170624064 HeapUsed=6825024 HeapMax=0 Thanks, Jason Creviston Sr. Network Administrator P: 765.795.5554 x305 2 S. West Street - P.O. Box 237, Cloverdale, IN 46120 Book an appointment with me!<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/jasoncrevis...@weendeavor.com/bookings/> [cid:codetwo-signature-logo-endeavor_1c9b8f6f-f797-4b22-a7d8-b9c8f1b0c327.png] [cid:codetwo-gigtel-logo2_e109b7e4-b185-40fc-94f2-947f96c612cf.png] [cid:endeavor-it-signature-2_cad37e9b-ad7b-4219-a677-f37914c8d32a.png] weEndeavor.com<http://weendeavor.com/> GigTel.com<http://gigtel.com/> EndeavorIT.com<http://EndeavorIT.com> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information in this Email and my attachments are confidential and may be privileged. This Email is intended solely for the named recipient or recipients. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, disclosure, copying or distribution of this Email is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please inform us by replying with the subject line "Wrong Address" and then delete this Email and any attachments. Endeavor Communications uses regularly updated anti-virus software in an attempt to reduce the possibility of transmitting computer viruses. We do not guarantee, however, that any attachments to this Email are virus-free.
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