Hello community, We are experiencing a resolution problem: 'SERVFAIL error'. Our environment is BIND 9.16.48, OS: Redhat8. I am sharing with you a part of the log that contains this error, named.conf file.
What I've noticed is that the resolution problem is mainly related to domain names that contain a CNAME record in the response, such as 'account.api.here.com' and 'push-rtmp-l96.douyincdn.com' P.S. DNSSEC is temporarily disabled to facilitate the diagnosis of the issue. Regards Orange Restricted
+++ Statistics Dump +++ (1670610522) ++ Incoming Requests ++ 94682 QUERY 1 STATUS ++ Incoming Queries ++ 90027 A 1 NS 1 CNAME 1 SOA 1 WKS 323 PTR 1 HINFO 27 TXT 2650 AAAA 91 SRV 82 NAPTR 9 TYPE64 1451 TYPE65 ++ Outgoing Rcodes ++ 89846 NOERROR 142 SERVFAIL 4268 NXDOMAIN ++ Outgoing Queries ++ [View: mobile] 22280 A 14 NS 26 CNAME 1 SOA 1 WKS 97 PTR 1 HINFO 11 TXT 7390 AAAA 19 SRV 14 NAPTR 1 TYPE64 1021 TYPE65 [View: defaut] [View: _bind] ++ Name Server Statistics ++ 94685 IPv4 requests received 25 requests with EDNS(0) received 25 TCP requests received 8 TCP connection high-water 94256 responses sent 49 truncated responses sent 25 responses with EDNS(0) sent 88189 queries resulted in successful answer 424 queries resulted in authoritative answer 93670 queries resulted in non authoritative answer 2 queries resulted in referral answer 1635 queries resulted in nxrrset 142 queries resulted in SERVFAIL 4268 queries resulted in NXDOMAIN 9327 queries caused recursion 293 duplicate queries received 64 queries dropped 73 recursing clients 194 response policy zone rewrites 94588 UDP queries received 25 TCP queries received 1 COOKIE option received 1 COOKIE - client only ++ Zone Maintenance Statistics ++ ++ Resolver Statistics ++ [Common] ../var/log/named.stats
20-May-2024 17:49:00.463 query-errors: info: client @0x7f883402a870 (account.api.here.com): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for account.api.here.com/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.464 query-errors: info: client @0x7f88b805ecd0 (www.facebook.com): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for www.facebook.com/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.467 query-errors: info: client @0x7f8848072050 (youtubei.googleapis.com): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for youtubei.googleapis.com/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.471 query-errors: info: client @0x7f8800061e10 (developers.google.cn): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for developers.google.cn/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.474 query-errors: info: client @0x7f88f8081aa0 (netseer-ipaddr-assoc.xz.fbcdn.net): view mobile: query failed (failure) for netseer-ipaddr-assoc.xz.fbcdn.net/IN/A at query.c:8050 20-May-2024 17:49:00.475 query-errors: info: client @0x7f8828027430 (edge-mqtt.facebook.com): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for edge-mqtt.facebook.com/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.475 query-errors: info: client @0x7f88e8064320 (af.ec922003.com): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for af.ec922003.com/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.477 query-errors: info: client @0x7f88d40506a0 (youtubei.googleapis.com): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for youtubei.googleapis.com/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.479 query-errors: info: client @0x7f87fc0271c0 (www.pullcm.com): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for www.pullcm.com/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.485 query-errors: info: client @0x7f87e8068f60 (googleads.g.doubleclick.net): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for googleads.g.doubleclick.net/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.488 query-errors: info: client @0x7f88d40506a0 (www.google.cd): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for www.google.cd/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.495 query-errors: info: client @0x7f88f8081aa0 (www.more.buzz): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for www.more.buzz/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.496 query-errors: info: client @0x7f8814042770 (captive.apple.com): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for captive.apple.com/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.498 query-errors: info: client @0x7f88f001f550 (1p.cd.orange.rcs.telephony.goog): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for 1p.cd.orange.rcs.telephony.goog/IN/NAPTR at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.505 query-errors: info: client @0x7f8814042770 (googleads.g.doubleclick.net): view mobile: query failed (failure) for googleads.g.doubleclick.net/IN/A at query.c:8050 20-May-2024 17:49:00.507 query-errors: info: client @0x7f886c06e360 (z-m-scontent.ffbm1-1.fna.fbcdn.net): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for z-m-scontent.ffbm1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.507 query-errors: info: client @0x7f8808052800 (googleads.g.doubleclick.net): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for googleads.g.doubleclick.net/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.512 query-errors: info: client @0x7f87e401bba0 (vcs-va.tiktokv.com): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for vcs-va.tiktokv.com/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.513 query-errors: info: client @0x7f889401af80 (vcs-va.tiktokv.com): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for vcs-va.tiktokv.com/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.519 query-errors: info: client @0x7f885c03bc70 (captive.apple.com): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for captive.apple.com/IN/A at query.c:7294 20-May-2024 17:49:00.526 query-errors: info: client @0x7f87e401bba0 (_sips._tcp.1p.cd.orange.rcs.telephony.goog): view mobile: query failed (SERVFAIL) for _sips._tcp.1p.cd.orange.rcs.telephony.goog/IN/SRV at query.c:7294
Description: named.conf
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