> My go-to DNS debugging site at 
> https://dnsviz.net/d/s1._domainkey.mg-esp-prod-eu-eu.mallorcazeitung.es/dnssec/
> appears to indicte there is more than one problem, but the most 
> serious one is probably this one: 
> It might look like one or more of the publishing name servers responds 
> incorrectly when queried for an "empty non-terminal" name 
> (e.g. _domainkey...), which probably itself doesn't have any data on 
> that node, but has data on "names below". The correct response code 
> is then NOERROR with answer count=0 (aka. "NODATA"), not NXDOMAIN. 
> When a recursor gets NXDOMAIN back, it is free to assume that the 
> queried-for name does not exist (which is obvious), and nothing exists 
> below that node either. See RFC 8020. 
> Regards, 
> - Håvard 

Håvard, w hat you say is correct about the NXDOMAIN RCODE . However, Thomas's 
logs and dig output suggest that the failure is a timeout, possibly because 
BIND/named is not responding. So I don't think that DNSViz error matches the 
problem description. Having said that, one or more problems with the relevant 
zones could be triggering something in BIND... 

Thomas, can you clarify whether all queries to result in: 
;; communications error to timed out 
when this problem occurs, or do just queries for 
s1._domainkey.mg-esp-prod-eu-eu.mallorcazeitung.es fail (or some level of 
failure in between all queries and the ones for that one domain)? And at that 
time, can you successfully query from the same system using a public resolver 
(e.g. "dig @ s1._domainkey.mg-esp-prod-eu-eu.mallorcazeitung.es TXT")? 
And do you have BIND's logging for the queries that fail? 


Michael Batchelder 
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