My Apologies. I was just trying to show the snippet of bind library code
where named was failing.

I am trying to run named after compiling the bind library. The command I
use to run named is as follows:

/bin/named -c /etc/named.conf

It appears that it is failing when it tries to daemonize named. what could
be causing it ?

named will eventually run as daemon in my dns server.

Please let me know if more information is needed.


On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 10:47 AM Ondřej Surý <> wrote:

> Can someone please help what could be the issue here?
> Not really. First start by using the latest 9.18 version and not something
> that’s two years old and then you need to provide more information than a
> screenshot of random code snippet. If you want free help you need to
> provide information about what you are actually doing.
> This old essay is still true:
> Ondrej
> --
> Ondřej Surý — ISC (He/Him)
> My working hours and your working hours may be different. Please do not
> feel obligated to reply outside your normal working hours.
> On 20. 5. 2024, at 17:55, avijeet gupta <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I compiled bind-9.18.0 successfully but when I try to run named via
> configuration file, named exits with return code 1.
> The below code in bin/named/os.c is where it is failing.
> <image.png>
> When i run named with gdb , i see that it is exiting in the above code.
> Can someone please help what could be the issue here?
> Thanks,
> Avij
> --
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