> On 19 Apr 2024, at 16:12, Crist Clark <cjc+bind-us...@pumpky.net> wrote:
> First, yes, I know. Their DNS is broken. They should fix their DNS. We 
> shouldn't need to make QNAME-minimization work around broken DNS.
> Name and shame a domain name in question,
>     e1083.d.akamaiedge.akamai.csd.disa.mil
> The problem I see: akamai.csd.disa.mil is a delegated zone. All four name 
> servers for the zone are in the zone. All four of the addresses in the 
> parent's glue are unresponsive. It's actually the same for 
> d.akamaiedge.akamai.csd.disa.mil too.
> That is breaking resolution for BIND 9.18 servers with default 
> qname-minimization. If qname-minimization is set "off", it works. That's 
> because the disa.mil NSes will respond with the answer for that full name. We 
> never go farther up the name to try to find the non-responsive NS servers.
> (And yes, the DNS "authoritative" servers here are questionable too. The TTLs 
> look like they are caching answers, but all of the responses have AA set.)
> Does that assessment look correct? I know BIND defaults to "relaxed" QNAME 
> minimization. It works around certain cases of brokeness. I guess this is not 
> one of them? Should it be? It's a case where things work without 
> minimization. The brokeness is hidden for non-minimizing resolvers.
> Again, yeah, they are broken. They should fix it, but it broke someone's Very 
> Important Work at our shop. And it used to work and it works from home and 
> for other customers so it must be our DNS that's broken. So we end up setting 
> "qname-minimization off" globally despite the fact they are really the broken 
> ones. We'd rather keep minimization on, but it's the only reasonable work 
> around we could find.

Just use a forward zone in forward only mode.  When the parent servers give you 
non working nameservers for child zones there isn’t a sensible automatic 

zone disa.mil {
        type forward;
        forward only;
        forwarders {;;; };

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