On 19. 04. 24 9:44, Mathieu Debieuvre wrote:
We are currently using the offical ISC docker images [1]. However the Tags provided don’t include the minor versions and always pull the latest release available (9.19.22 as of today).

Would it be possible to include Tags with the minor versions (ex: 9.19.20, 9.19.21, 9.19.22 ) so we can select more precisely which version we pull?

The Tags for the main branches can be kept as it is and still point to the latest release, I’m only asking if it would be possible to add new Tags for the past few minor releases as well.

[1] https://hub.docker.com/r/internetsystemsconsortium/bind9/tags

I'm curious what is the motivation? Testing exploits on old versions or ...?

It's lots of storage to provide copies of vulnerable versions.

Petr Špaček
Internet Systems Consortium
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