Do the analysis where the resolver is under attack or the auth server with the 
best rtt is stale.

Mark Andrews

> On 9 Feb 2024, at 21:40, Petr Menšík <> wrote:
> Hello Mark,
> allow me here to correct your statement. We spent in Red Hat some time 
> thinking and testing validating clients. Validating resolver is *not* 
> necessary for validating clients to work. They are better and recommended, 
> but not always necessary.
> What is required is dnssec (security) awareness. Meaning that resolver will 
> fetch signatures for all queries with do=1 bit set. For example even dnsmasq 
> in default configuration will forward DNSSEC signatures to all DNSSEC enabled 
> queries. Also in cases dnssec validation is not enabled in it. It is not 
> strictly required fetching them for do=0 queries.
> For example our office resolvers do not have validation enabled. But they 
> allow any clients using dnssec-trigger to validate all queries themselves. 
> And that works for majority of existing DNS caches.
> What is required from bind9 is to have dnssec-enabled yes; That was default 
> even in 9.11 and this is the last version, where it is possible to change it 
> to dnssec-enabled no; Since 9.16 it is not possible to configure it that way. 
> In this case any validating client, be it end station or dns forwarder, will 
> fail all queries sent to it. Clients can validate regardless 
> dnssec-validation value is used, but they need do=1 answers to their do=1 
> queries.
> Following chain of forwarders will still deliver non-bogus answers only. fwd 
> means forwarder only, not using root hints.
> [root-servers]---[non-validating iterative]----[non-validating 
> fwd]---[validating fwd]--->(secure or unsigned answers only)
> Validating client can refuse answer to, even if the 
> recursive forwarder it is using did not check its validity. If it sends you 
> do=1 enabled answers, that is enough. You have to compute your own SERVFAIL 
> result, which validating upstream forwarder could have sent you straight 
> away. That that is the beauty of DNSSEC. Not everyone in the chain needs to 
> be doing crypto operations. But everyone in the chain can, as long as crypto 
> records are included.
> delv +vtrace or unbound-host -rvD commands work even on non-validating, but 
> security aware resolvers.
> And to answer original question. You store in cache only valuable records, 
> not bogus garbage. Having cache filled also with signatures makes validation 
> of your clients much faster, just RTT between you is used, even when they 
> validate.
> Regards,
> Petr
>> On 12/1/23 22:40, Mark Andrews wrote:
>> A validating resolver is a prerequisite for validating clients to work. 
>> Clients don’t have direct access to the authoritative servers so the can’t 
>> retrieve good answers if the recursive servers don’t filter out the bad 
>> answers.
>> Think of a recursive server as a town water treatment plant. You could 
>> filter and treat at every house and sometimes you still do like boiling 
>> water for baby formula but on the most part what you get out of it is good 
>> enough for consumption as is.
>> -- 
>> Mark Andrews
>>>> On 2 Dec 2023, at 08:14, John Thurston <> wrote:
>>> At first glance, the concept of a validating resolver seemed like a good 
>>> idea. But in practice, it is turning out to be a hassle.
>>> I'm starting to think, "If my clients want their answers validated, they 
>>> should do it." If they *really* care about the quality of the answers they 
>>> get, why should my clients be trusting *me* to validate them?
>>> Can someone make a good case to me for continuing to perform DNSSEC 
>>> validation on my central resolvers?
>>> -- 
>>> --
>>> Do things because you should, not just because you can.
>>> John Thurston    907-465-8591
>>> Department of Administration
>>> State of Alaska
> -- 
> Petr Menšík
> Software Engineer, RHEL
> Red Hat,
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