I was just reading yesterday about one way this can be done.  If you are using 
DNSSEC, the server, in order to sign a negative result, will use an NSEC record 
type which will contain some similar record to the missing record since it 
can’t sign an empty record.  see below where I dig for MacBook.mylocal which 
doesn’t exist on my home domain and it returns a couple of NSEC records with 
appletv-livingroom.mylocall, jj-soundbar.mylocal., and macbookpro-20.mylocal.  
The solution to this is NSEC3 where the host names are hashed 
(https://bind9.readthedocs.io/en/v9_18_9/dnssec-guide.html#nsec3).  Not sure if 
that answers how others are doing it, but was something I read about yesterday 
that has been exploited in the past to learn details about a zone.

$ dig macbook.mylocal IN A @ +dnssec

; <<>> DiG 9.16.33-Debian <<>> macbook.mylocal IN A @ +dnssec
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 18808
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 6, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 1232
; COOKIE: 498ba75e90a524ad0100000063a44d72b4b9adb0b61ef5de (good)
;macbook.mylocal.               IN      A

mylocal.                7200    IN      SOA     ns1.mylocal. 
hostmaster.mylocal. 64133 43200 900 1814400 7200
mylocal.                7200    IN      RRSIG   SOA 13 1 86399 20230105095806 
20221222085806 2295 mylocal. 
mylocal.                7200    IN      RRSIG   NSEC 13 1 7200 20221228002743 
20221213235040 2295 mylocal. 
mylocal.                7200    IN      NSEC    appletv-livingroom.mylocal. NS 
jj-soundbar.mylocal. 7200       IN      RRSIG   NSEC 13 2 7200 20221228203849 
20221221200203 2295 mylocal. 
jj-soundbar.mylocal. 7200       IN      NSEC    macbookpro-20.mylocal. A RRSIG 

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Dec 22 07:28:34 EST 2022
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 576

> On Dec 22, 2022, at 12:19 AM, Michael De Roover <i...@nixmagic.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been running BIND 9 on my external and internal networks for a
> few years now -- as such I have a basic understanding of the most
> common RR types and activities such as zone transfers. However, I have
> been seeing something that's been baffling me for quite a while now.
> Somehow there are services like c99.nl [1] and Criminal IP [2], which
> can enumerate various subdomains on a given target domain. I am
> confused as to how they can enumerate this information.
> As far as I know, a NS record returns the name servers authoritative
> for a domain. Alright, now you've got authoritative information when
> querying these domains. No useful information about the zone data they
> are responsible for though.
> Then there is an A record, which returns an IPv4 address of a server
> responsible for a domain. Alright, now you can talk to a server. Maybe
> that would be a webserver, and now you may perform a HTTP exchange to
> that server (GET /whatever, with a given Host header). You still have
> to guess what the Host: header would have to be.
> Maybe it would be an MX record. Brilliant, now you could talk to a mail
> server. Its EHLO message (sometimes called a "banner" in security
> circles) would contain a domain, alright. It would also only be one of
> them -- AFAICT only one domain that the organization wants to actually
> primarily send from.
> Another interesting record would be the CNAME record. As far as I know,
> this is used to redirect to another domain from within the DNS, with
> its own bespoke entries (bringing us back to A records). Getting from a
> CNAME to an A record seems easy enough, but what about getting these
> CNAME records in the first place?
> This is what I am thinking of so far, but it may well be that I've been
> talking crap in all of the above and know nothing about the DNS. That's
> fine, and in that case please correct me where necessary. Either way,
> I'm very confused on how these services can actually enumerate these
> subdomains, and find most -- if not all -- reliably. This seems a bit
> concerning to me with regards to unwanted information disclosure, hence
> my curiosity. If it is at all possible to mitigate, I would of course
> also appreciate discourse on this matter. Thank you!
> [1] https://subdomainfinder.c99.nl
> [2] https://criminalip.io/domain
> Best regards,
> Michael
> -- 
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