On 24-10-2022 15:14, PGNet Dev wrote:
The good news it is not stuck.

What indicator flags that it IS 'stuck'?  Is it explicitly logged?

Because the keymgr logs says it is just waiting time?

2022-10-21T16:55:22.690622-04:00 ns named[36683]: 21-Oct-2022 16:55:22.689 dnssec: debug 1: keymgr: time says no to KSK example.com/ECDSAP256SHA256/63917 type DS state RUMOURED to state OMNIPRESENT (wait 93600 seconds)

BIND is waiting to make sure the new DS is also known to the validators. The time being evaluated here is the DS TTL, plus parent-propagation-delay, plus retire-safety. All these three values are configurable within dnssec-policy.

my current config has

     parent-ds-ttl              PT1H;
     parent-propagation-delay   PT1H;
     retire-safety              PT1H;

@ parental-agents, the DS is cached; ttl appears spec'd other than my set ttl. e.g., @ cloudflare, it's 1 day ...

in any case, all of my domains still returned "DSState: rumoured" at < 4 days. since then, about 1/4 of the domains have flipped from "rumoured" -> "omnipresent", with no manual intervention; the rest are still unchanged.

again, i've noticed no actual operational problems -- e.g., queries failing, etc -- other than these delays.

seems, tho, i've still got a likely misconfig somewhere in here.

I am happy to look into it, if you are willing to share the key **state** file in question (off-list), and dnssec-policy configuration.

A full excerpt of the debug logs around 2022-10-21T16:55:22 can also be useful.

Best regards,

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