I am trying to get some basic ideas on dns/hosting. I have purchased a public domain e.g: example.com & the hosting provider have given me with cpanel access where I can add my dns records using cpanel zone editor.
I want to use my own BIND9 dns server instead of hosting provider DNS server. I have configured BIND9 DNS (on my public IP like & created all records like www/mx/few hosts. , test resolving is working as expected from my test pc. How can I use my dbin9 authoritative DNS as my public domain primary dns? example If I change the primary NS on hosting provider Cpanel section and and point its NS to to (my bind9) , will all resolving for example.com will be done via my BIND9 server? <http://pk.linkedin.com/pub/syed-jahanzaib/24/3b/407> <http:///> Regard's SJZ
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