Thanks Ged for all the feedback.

The lack of interest by others proves that From: munging is not so much of a nuisance as they say...



On Tue 23/Aug/2022 16:39:33 +0200 Bind Users wrote:
Hi there,

On Tue, 23 Aug 2022, Alessandro Vesely wrote:

I see the list operates both From: munging and ARC sealing.  While I'm clear about the former, I'm curious about how ARC works:

Do any subscribers trust the seal by

When it comes to email, I don't trust *anything*. :)

Generally speaking I think these technological fixes are very much
over-engineered as compared with, say, inspecting the headers. :/

We check the ARC seal and I would be alerted to a failure.  That's all.
There have been two failures since ISC implemented ARC - the first two
ARC-signed messages we received, on 25th April - all after that passed:

Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2022 12:00:00 +0000
X-ARCverify: pass (All ARC Seals and the most recent ARC Signature passed verification)

There were a few DKIM failures in the early days too, I don't remember
if I investigated any of the failures.

In that case, do they get non-munged messages?

Nope.  I'm on the digest list anyway.

Are there other advantages that ARC brings about?

It's a comfort to know that it's all working as designed, but I can't
get excited about munged addresses.  I've experienced no issues on the
BIND list to which I've thought ARC might be relevant.  Unfortunately
that's by no means the case for some of the other lists to which I am
(or have in the past been) subscribed.

Otherwise, RFC9057 introduced the Author: header field.  Using it to save the original From: would allow trusting receivers to de-munge the message at a later stage.  I'm trying to elaborate a draft[*] to formalize such method.  Would this list be interested in experimenting that?

I'm happy to use cut'n'paste for replies, but I can offer to help you
with your testing.  The milters here can do more or less anything. :)

PS: Please don't be offended if mail sent directly to me is rejected.
We can get around it.

PPS: [Page 18] s/Content-Tyep:/Content-Type:/;

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