Hello Michael,

Oh.. gosh.. You're right.. It works! - It wasn't 100% clear to me that this was 
the only correct way to install bind from your repo.

Thanks a lot.


From: Michał Kępień <mic...@isc.org>
Sent: Monday, 13 June 2022 22.04
To: Søren Andersen <soa...@norlys.dk>
Cc: Sandro <li...@penguinpee.nl>; bind-users@lists.isc.org 
Subject: Re: Unable to start Bind on a fresh RHEL 8.6 system with enforcing 



> On a fresh install the selinux context are 'var_t', and if I changed it to 
> 'named_var_run_t' it works!

This is the suspicious part for me.  How did you install the packages?
The only supported way is the one that is documented [1]:

    dnf install isc-bind

That pulls in the SCL metapackage which sets up SELinux file context
equivalency rules [2] and relieves you from having to apply any sort of
manual SELinux context tweaks.

My guess is that you installed one of the "individual" packages
directly, e.g. "dnf install isc-bind-bind".  Please be aware that if the
SELinux contexts are not set up by the metapackage, you may run into
other similar issues in the future.


Best regards,
Michał Kępień
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