Thanks! On Jun 1, 2022, at 1:48 PM, Sandro <<>> wrote:
On 01-06-2022 20:07, Bruce Johnson via bind-users wrote: I am migrating our BIND system to a new server/BIND version, and have a question about dynamically updated zone files (we have one dynamic zone). I am just copying all the configuration and zone files to the new server, do I need to run rndc freeze before shutting down bind and moving them or will just stopping the bind service properly deal with updating the zone file? Also do I need to copy over the .jnl file when I do this or will a new one get generated as needed? Not a stupid question, but an easy answer (man 8 rndc): This command stops the server, making sure any recent changes made through dynamic update or IXFR are first saved to the master files of the updated zones. So as long as you stop named with 'rndc stop', the zone file will be up to date. That also makes the journal file obsolete. So, you don't need to move that over. But it doesn't hurt if you do. Before starting named on the new system, assuming your main configuration file is 'etc/named.conf', use: named-checkconf -z /etc/named.conf This will check your configuration and all your zones and tell you if anything is wrong. -- Sandro -- Visit to unsubscribe from this list ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. Contact us at for more information. bind-users mailing list<> -- Bruce Johnson University of Arizona College of Pharmacy Information Technology Group Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs
-- Visit to unsubscribe from this list ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. Contact us at for more information. bind-users mailing list