Am 17.06.21 um 07:43 schrieb Todd Chester via bind-users:
On 6/16/21 2:52 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
Does this alteration at the top make it any clearer?

     Note: at the command prompt, I use the following terminology:
        # means run as root
        $ means run as user

     Inside a file, "#" mean it is a comment

not really - either use the ubuntu "sudo everything" or just type "root: command" and "user: command"

xxxx: that would confuse the dickens out of me.
I program in Raku (Perl 6) and  ":" has a bunch
of special meanings that I always forget.  So
":" give me a start

but when you follow a how-to which tells you commands to run in the terminal leaded by the user you don't do program in Raku

a) the typical user don't program at all
b) i expect from programmers some sense for context
c) # is typcally a comment
d) $ leads a variable in PHP, but we don't talk about PHP
e) the typical user won't remember what # and $ means

however, in the real world just write "sudo command" is the best you can do - for the average user it's complete and leaves no questions

for power users which don't like sudo it should be no deal-breaker to type the command without "sudo" in a root shell

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