Paul Cizmas <> wrote:

> ~$ named -v
> BIND 9.9.7-P3 (Extended Support Version)

What's probably happening here is that the BIND on your $PATH isn't
necessarily the BIND that homebrew installed and (hopefully) is running.

You can run `dig @localhost version.bind ch txt` to see what the running
server reports as its version.

You can run `which named` to find out where it is finding 9.9.7.

If you run `rndc status` it should fail, because of the mismatched
installations (I expect your 9.9.7 will not look for the rndc key in the
same place as 9.16.3) but `/usr/local/opt/bind/sbin/rndc status` ought to
work and tell you about the running 9.16.3.

f.anthony.n.finch  <>
Great Orme Head to the Mull of Galloway: Southwest veering west 6 to
gale 8, backing southwest 5 to 7 later. Moderate, occasionally rough.
Squally showers, rain later. Good, occasionally moderate.

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