Am 09.07.20 um 12:08 schrieb Adrian van Bloois:
> When I start bind 9.16.x with systemctl I get:
> Failed to start named.service: Unit is not loaded properly: Bad message.
> See system logs and 'systemctl status named.service' for details.
> I get no messages in the logs.
> Systemctl status named.service says:
> * named.service - Berkeley Internet Name Domain (DNS)
> Loaded: error (Reason: Bad message)
> Active: inactive (dead)
> These messages are not very helpful, any ideas???
what about post the systemd-unit and besides that i find it unlikely
that "journalctl" don't show any errors directly after try to restart
(and yes you do "systemctl daemon-reload" and "systemctl restart named"
in doubt)
"systemctl daemon-reload" alone triggers in most cases messages when
unitfiles are broken
similar issue with "Bad message" because nonsense in the unit-file
Change that first line! Comment lines must begin with either # or ;
That was the issue indeed ! Since I copy-pasted that from the Internet,
I thought it was legit ... And then I don't really understand why the
start command was working.
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