On 3/3/20 5:26 PM, Tony Finch wrote:

> If you are doing an algorithm rollover, you should have 2 keys (ZSK and
> KSK) for each algorithm, 4 keys total. I only use dnssec-signzone if I'm
> testing or doing something weird, so I'm not familiar with it. (In
> production I use automatic signing in `named` because it is easier.) But
> you might be able to follow my howto inserting a dnssec-signzone before
> rndc reload and you might get something that will approximately work...

I'm letting named do the automatic signing/generation of RRSIG records,
but unless I'm missing something, you still have to generate the DNSKEY
records manually.  dnssec-verify is the tool in question complaining
about not including RSASHA1 keys and signatures.  I'm still in the
initial phases of setting this up, so I don't have to worry about
algorithm rollover so much, as except for a couple of test domains,
there's no DS record to cause them to get used.  I did build scripts for
doing the zsk and ksk rollovers though.

In short, I'm setting things up so there's only two keys: ksk and zsk
using RSASHA256, which I think is the way things should be these days.

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