I've been noticed a different information on queries.log file in compare with 
older bind versions.
I was looking for this on internet and I found out it's named as client object 
identifier and formed by a fixed string @0x7 plus a hexadecimal number, as in 
the example below.
29-Aug-2019 09:07:00.453 queries: info: client @0x7f68f80c7180

I'd like to know if this hexadecimal number is fixed, in other words if each 
dns client (smartphones, workstations, etc) has a specific hexadecimal number, 
how this string is constructed on bind and what kind of information would be 
possible to extract from that string.

Thanks in advance.


Miguel Moreira
DTE/SRE/GRE - Gerência de Redes
PRODEMGE - Companhia de Tecnologia da Informação do Estado de Minas Gerais

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