I just recently "upgraded" my old FreeBSD system to the latest, 12.0
release.  Now, something that used to work doesn't seem to work anymore,
specifically "dig +trace" seems to no longer function at all.


% dig +trace -x

; <<>> DiG 9.12.4-P1 <<>> +trace -x
;; global options: +cmd
;; Received 17 bytes from in 0 ms


That's all I get.  No more outout.

It's probably my fault... somehow.  I've revised my firewall rules
and also, I'm now using local-unbound on the machine in qquestion,
whereas before I was just using

I just need to ask:  How can I debug this?  I need to get back to having
this work.

Also, on a different machine that I have also recently upgraded to
FreeBSD 12.0 I am not getting the following strange and unexpected
error when running dig, regadless of options or arguments:

   Shared object "libdl.so.1" not found, required by "dig"

So, I need to ask also:  What's the proper for this separate and
different error?

(Note:  On both machines, the particular package I have installed that
is providing me with the "dig" command is: bind-tools-9.12.4P1.)
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