FreeBSD 11.2
Bind 9.12.3-P1

I have a server which runs several nameservers, each in its own chroot with 
its own assigned IP-address.

They run like this:
/usr/local/sbin/named -4 -t /resolver -u bind -c /etc/namedb/named.conf

In named.conf:

statistics-channels {
        inet <server-ip> port 50000 allow { <monitoring-ip>; };

On my monitoring server I collect statistics via http://<server-ip>:50000/json 

Today I added one more chroot. For this server the statistics collection 
crashes the named daemon without any trace in the log files. Even stranger is 
that "http://<server-ip>:50000" and "http://<server-ip>:50000/xml" works fine.

All the nameservers run the same binary. 

Any ideas where to look?

Ingeborg Østrem Hellemo  --
Dep. of Information Technology  ---  Univ. of Tromsø

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