Hi list
Any hints on the error below after restarting bind (using BIND-9.12.3-P1)?
zone example.com/IN (signed): receive_secure_serial: unchanged
DNSSEC is working fine on the zone "example.com", but as I mentioned:
The severity is "error" and it's not clear why.
Many thanks for any hints/ideas.
Kind regards,
On 11.03.19 09:14, Tom wrote:
Hi list
We're sometimes receiving the same error as described in
https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/bind9/issues/256 after reloading BIND.
zone example.com/IN (signed): receive_secure_serial: unchanged
What does this error exactly means? What can I do to prevent this error?
It seems, that DNSSEC is working fine, but the error is confusing.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
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