On 07/30/2018 08:01 PM, Browne, Stuart via bind-users wrote:
Be wary of DNAME's; they can be quite limited.


Here's an example from our old system:

internal.   3600    IN      SOA     mgmt1.mel.internal.local. sysadmin.external.com.au. 2014051201 28800 14400 3600000 86400
internal.   3600    IN      NS      mgmt1.mel.internal.local.
internal.   3600    IN      NS      mgmt1.syd.internal.local.
internal.   3600    IN      DNAME   external.com.au.

Which means internally we can look up "host.internal" and it will translate to "host.external.com.au".

Thank you for the example Stuart.

It's my understanding that DNAME si functionally like substituting the LHS (portion of the) QNAME of the RR with the RHS DNAME.

I don't recall at the moment exactly how it's done. I think it may return both a DNAME and a fabricated CNAME. It's my understanding that the fabricated CNAME is a hack to support resolvers that don't understand DNAME.

Can / will anyone correct my understanding?

Thank you in advance.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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