On 30-May-18 17:27, Victoria Risk wrote:
> Hello GeoIP users,
> We are aware that Maxmind is discontinuing their older free GeoLite
> location database and replacing it with a new database with a new
> format (GeoLite2). https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/
> We have an issue open in the BIND gitlab to update our Geo-IP support
> to use the new database api.
>  https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/bind9/issues/182
> The question is, would it be useful if we included the GeoLite2
> database with the BIND distribution? Since we update at least twice a
> year, we could keep it fairly well up to date, and it would save users
> having to go get and update the db themselves. It would add about
> 1.5MB to the BIND distribution (depending on whether we use the
> country or city level).
> Votes, comments welcome. 
> Thank you,
> Vicky
> -----
> Product Manager
> Internet Systems Consortium
> vi...@isc.org <mailto:vi...@isc.org>
I use GeoIP with webservers, but not with BIND.  I run a cron job that
pulls the Maxmind updates roughly monthly.  IP address allocations
change a bit more frequently than twice a year.

Rather than bundling the database, you might want to bundle a script to
automate the update process... preferably one that you don't have to
maintain.  (Stick to your core competency...)

I think that would be more useful (and less likely to complicate the
lives of packagers) than bundling the database.

And less work for you :-)

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