simply firewall port TCP and UDP 53 if behind a firewall or use ACL or change 
NS records if not propagated in a public domain

if you want to test from clients , see that RFC sap is around 5 minutes if I am 
not wrong and use PC firewall or simply firewall it or shutdown master engine 
and so on

for updates , if you want to see if slave anser , see that nothing have to be 
done, simply use dig or nslookup statements or use only slave dns inside TCP/IP 

see simply that slave is a normale DNS , only put in shutdon if not reaching 
master per SOA TTL

unclear what u want to do

From: bind-users <> on behalf of rams 
Sent: Monday, September 4, 2017 1:36 PM
To: bind-users
Subject: How to pause master zone updates to slave for couple of minutes

I want to test bulk updates master to slave in Bind. Is there any way to pause 
to send updates to slave from master?

Thanks & Regards,
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