On 08/11/2017 02:40 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
On 08/10/2017 07:07 PM, Grant Taylor via bind-users wrote:
On 08/10/2017 06:21 PM, toddandmargo wrote:
Fedora 26
Fedora = Linux (vs Windows vs other)
I am stumped. I need to be able to look up short names on my local
What am I missing?
domain and / or search configuration in /etc/resolv.conf
man resolv.conf
Follow up:
I had goofed my /etc/resolv.conf. The hostname was
suppose to be ".local" not ".com".
mumble, mumble
Setting the host and domain name has gotten a little
"interesting" in Fedora as of late.
# hostnamectl set-hostname FedoraServer.xxxx.local –static
And it updates resolv.conf too
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