Hi Elias,

Perhaps you could post your BIND configs for the existing server and
for the new Samba4 server?  Forwarders may not be exactly what you
want here - they're generally meant for recursive, rather than
authoritative traffic.

IP addresses would be helpful as well: it's always annoying when
people try to obfuscate these.


On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 4:44 PM, Elias Pereira <empbi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Our scenario today consists of one:
> - DNS Server (Authoritative to our subdomains. Ex: www.mydomain.com*,
> moodle.mydomain.com, etc)
> - samba3 PDC server
> - Openldap server (user base for samba)
> All our IPs are public.
> This scenario above works like a charm!! :D
> Now, I'm implementing a new samba4 AD server.
> In order for me to be able to put users in the AD domain, I need to
> configure the samba4 AD IP as primary dns on the computers. In the bind
> installed on samba4 AD I configured the "forwarder" variable with the IP of
> our DNS server.
> The problem is that from this computer, if I need to access an internal
> subdomain, for example our webserver*, I can not access. Gives resolution
> error. For any other site, for example, google.com, I can access.
> I'm not finding the problem. Any idea?
> --
> Elias Pereira
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