In message <>, Tony Finch 
> Reindl Harald <> wrote:
> >
> > just because without additional responses are part of the inital question 
> > and
> > may save asking for that information - in case the additional info is not
> > needed by the client it saves traffic
> There are a few situations in which additional data is useful in theory,
> but it's surprisingly poorly used in practice.
> End-user clients are generally looking up address records, and the
> additional and authority records aren't of any use to them.
> For MX and SRV records, additional data can reduce the need for extra A
> and AAAA records - but only if both A and AAAA are present in the
> response. If either RRset is missing the client still has to make another
> query to find out if it doesn't exist or wouldn't fit. Some code I am
> familiar with ignores additional sections in MX responses and always does
> separate A and AAAA lookups, because it's simpler.
> The other important case is for queries from recursive servers to
> authoritative servers, where you might hope that the recursive server
> would cache the additional data to avoid queries to the authoritative
> servers.
> However, in practice BIND is not very good at this. For example,
> let's query for an MX record, then the address of one of the MX target
> hosts. We expect to get the address in the response to the first query, so
> the second query doesn't need another round trip to the authority.
> Here's some log, heavily pruned for relevance.
> 2016-09-23.10:55:13.316 queries: info: client @0x7f9d380311b0 ::1#55658 
> ( view rec: query: IN MX +E(0)K (::1)
> 2016-09-23.10:55:13.318 resolver: debug 11: sending packet to 
> 2001:500:60::30#53
> ;                       IN      MX
> 2016-09-23.10:55:13.330 resolver: debug 10: received packet from 
> 2001:500:60::30#53
> ;               7200    IN      MX      10
> ;               7200    IN      MX      20
> ;       3600    IN      A
> ;       3600    IN      AAAA    2001:4f8:0:2::2b
> 2016-09-23.10:56:13.150 queries: info: client @0x7f9d300609e0 ::1#49485 
> ( view rec: query: IN A +E(0)K (::1)
> 2016-09-23.10:56:13.151 resolver: debug 11: sending packet to 
> 2001:500:60::30#53
> ;               IN      A
> Hmf, well that's disappointing.
> Now, there's a rule in RFC 2181 about ranking the trustworthiness of data:
> 5.4.1. Ranking data
>    [ snip ]
>    Unauthenticated RRs received and cached from the least trustworthy of
>    those groupings, that is data from the additional data section, and
>    data from the authority section of a non-authoritative answer, should
>    not be cached in such a way that they would ever be returned as
>    answers to a received query.  They may be returned as additional
>    information where appropriate.  Ignoring this would allow the
>    trustworthiness of relatively untrustworthy data to be increased
>    without cause or excuse.
> Since my recursive server is validating, and is signed, it should
> be able to authenticate the MX target address from the MX response, and
> promote its trustworthiness, instead of making another query. But BIND
> doesn't do that.
> There are other situations where BIND fails to make good use of all the
> records in a response, e.g. when you get a referral for a signed zone, the
> response includes the DS records as well as the NS records. But BIND
> doesn't cache the DS records properly, so when it comes to validate the
> answer, it re-fetches them.

Both of these are on my to do list.  There is also the no DS available
in the delegation to be validated at the transition from signed to
unsigned zones.

> Tony.
> -- 
> f.anthony.n.finch  <>  -  I xn--zr8h punycode
> Northwest Fitzroy, West Sole: Southerly, veering westerly later, 6 to gale 8.
> Rough or very rough. Fair then rain. Good, occasionally poor.
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