Hi Evan

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 05:45:59PM +0000, Evan Hunt wrote:
> May I ask you to expand on why the MPL is a problem?  So far the distros
> have all been supportive.

The BSD camp dislikes copyleft because copyleft prevents exactly what
we're trying to stop: the ability to ship a closed-source forked version
of BIND. They think that software is more free if that is allowed,
although they'd like all software to be free.

The GNU/FSF camp's view is different. In its view, a software is more
free if its freedom is protected and cannot be lost; hence the copyleft

To a user of BIND, it makes no difference. To a restributor of BIND who
keeps the modified code free, it makes no difference. Those who are hurt
by it are those who are shipping closed-source modified versions, or
those who'd like to let others continue to do so.


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