> dig mail.protection.outlook.com. ns
> @ns1-proddns.glbdns.o365filtering.com. +noedns
> mail.protection.outlook.com. 10 IN  NS
> ns1-proddns.glbdns.o365filtering.com.
> mail.protection.outlook.com. 10 IN  NS
> ns2-proddns.glbdns.o365filtering.com.
> Note the short TTL on the A and NS records, combined with dns servers
> that don't understand edns. Is there something in bind 9.9.5 that would
> not like that combination? I presume that 9.9.5 would try edns first,
> and then backoff to noedns after receiving the FORMERR.

Seems very odd to have a TTL of 10 seconds on an NS record: anyone
seen that before?  Combining that with EDNS disabled means that you're
essentially having to make four lookups every single time you want to
use Outlook 365.

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