On 11/11/2015 02:55 AM, Julie Xu wrote:
After I read some bind  information, it looks like most configure example is 
use dhcp/ddns together.

DHCP and Dynamic DNS are quite often used together, but it is not a requirement.

You can easily have Dynamic DNS enabled on a (sub)domain (zone) that has statically configured clients in it. The zone file won't get many (any?) updates.

I have a number of zones with statically configured clients using DDNS so that BIND will mange the DNSSEC for me.

With DDNS enabled, you can use the nsupdate command to add / change / remove records from the zone.

Please advice, if I can make a subdomain and make this subnet will contact the 
dns server to get a dns name dynamicly. I would like it:
        - every machine in this subnet will get a dns name automatically

Statically configured machines won't reach out to the DNS server to get their configuration. That's where the "static configuration" comes into play.

        - the dns name is same as the host name

The hosts set their own name, and optionally give DDNS updates.

        - the dns name will automatically be removed after the ip offline or 
the hostname changed.

That's going to be difficult. There's no good way for a DNS server to know when a host is offline.

Some DHCP servers will approximate this behavior by watching for a DHCP release message and / or periodically pinging IPs that have been leased to see if the client is still on line. Further, some DHCP servers will reap DNS records for clients that are offline.

If these action can be achive, please advice how can I configure it?

DDNS for a static subnet is simple, just follow any DDNS tutorial, minus the DHCP part.

Any comments will be appreciated

Good luck.

Grant. . . .
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