Except queries from and reliably return the AAAA
while queries from do not.  And we're all the same ISP, and in
the one case, from the same /24.  I don't think Google is that granular. And
we do have good IPv6 connectivity.


Frank Bulk

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Henderson [mailto:s...@spacehopper.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2014 11:05 AM
To: Frank Bulk
Cc: 'Mark Andrews'; bind-us...@isc.org
Subject: Re: Unable to get AAAA for www.revk.uk from some of our servers

On 2014/12/23 21:33, Frank Bulk wrote:
> So the question seems to come down to: "why does Google's name server not
> return the AAAA when I query it from some IPs?"

Didn't google have some kind of ISP whitelisting for handing out AAAAs?

Ah yes... https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/faq mentions it:

"Note that you may not receive IPv6 results for Google properties. To
optimize the user experience, Google only serves AAAA records to clients
behind ISPs with good IPv6 connectivity."

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