In message <>
, =?ISO-8859-2?Q?Pavel_Divi=B9?= writes:
> Hello,
> Is there anyone who has experience with writing plugins? In my diploma
> thesis I must write plugin which must do some changes in dns request and
> then forward request to processing DNS server. I can't find any
> documentation or tutorials how to write plugins. Is there someone who can
> help me, who has documentation (API documentation) or any experience with
> writing plugins?

        client <-> (port 53) plugin (ephemeral port) <-> nameserver
          (client id space)                   (plugin id space)

        the nameserver may be running on a different port or a different
        address or both.
        the plugin uses it's own id space to talk to the nameserver.

        You could even use firewall rules to intercept and forward on.
        In this case you shouldn't need to change the query id.
> Pavel
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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