Hello Larry,

I had the same "head-ache" when I upgraded to 10.9. It seems that instead going 
forward we all took a step behind. I guess this type of free stuff does come 
with something attached to it. Anyways, when you upgraded to 10.9 the boot 
files were wipe clean from the /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Open the terminal and restore it by entering the comand!

launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.isc.named.plist
 echo "launchctl start org.isc.named" >> /etc/launchd.conf

Then re-start BIND

launchctl start org.isc.named


There are several places talking about this stuff but you can verify here:
Configure BIND to Launch at Startup

I hope that helps!

Eduardo Bonsi
System Admin

 From: Larry Stone <lston...@stonejongleux.com>
To: bind-users@lists.isc.org 
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2014 6:45 PM
Subject: Non-responsive name servers when started during boot on OS X Mavericks 

Background: I have been using my Macintosh as a server running the client 
version of OS X (not OS X Server) for many years. Until 10.9 (Mavericks), Apple 
provided BIND and it worked just fine. My servers were internal only providing 
behind-NAT local addresses for the local network as well as caching for 
external names. All went well.

With the release of 10.9, BIND was no longer provided (I’m currently on 
10.9.1). I initially restored the version of named from 10.8 along with my 
configuration and zone files and all was well (at least as far as I could 
tell). I then switched to building from source and all was still well (I 
thought). The primary server was just upgraded to 9.8.6-P2 while the secondary 
(not a server except as a redundant name server) is still at 9.8.6-P1 (upgrade 
planned for this weekend).

Problem: This morning, by happenstance, both were rebooted a few minutes apart 
and suddenly, nobody could access anything. Finally figured out that named on 
both was not responding (queries timed out). Killed named (which was 
immediately restarted by Apple’s launchd) and all was well. Rebooted the 
secondary to see if it was repeatable and same thing. Nothing of interest in 
the log - both the initial startup at boot time and restart log identically 
(and it does log the RFC 1918 empty zones warning so it gets that far). I’m 
guessing there’s some resource not available at boot time that’s causing named 
to hang but that really just a will guess.

I know I’m not providing much information but there’s nothing else I can find 
so any help with just figuring out why it fails when started at boot time will 
be a help.

Larry Stone

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