* Mark Andrews [2013-07-23 06:42]:
>> The method is described here (Figure 4):
>> http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~gribble/papers/king.pdf
>> Using a delegation is a technical detail. It's not different than
>> sending a query directly to the zone servers.
> Send queries for domains that the server is NOT configured to accept
> is very different to sending queries for domains the server IS
> configured to accept.
> You just cost the rw adminstrators time and money investigation the
> source of unexpected traffic.  You cost everyone on the list some
> time and money helping out the rw administrators.
> The actual cost of the traffic in inconsequential to the other costs
> that have resulted from your actions.  TLD administrators actually
> need to look for abnormal traffic as they are high value targets.

Ok, I see your point. I will use opt-in for further measurements.


Universität Duisburg-Essen
Verteilte Systeme
Bismarckstr. 90 / BC 316
47057 Duisburg

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