On Jun 3, 2013, at 4:31 PM, John Miller <johnm...@brandeis.edu> wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> To keep my answer simple, if BIND is set up to allow recursion, and gets a 
> recursive query for a zone it's not authoritative for, it'll:
> 1) Answer from cache
> 2) pass the query off to the configured forwarders
> 3) If the forwarders are unavailable, follow delegation itself to answer the 
> query.
> BIND is only authoritative for a zone if there's a
> zone {}
> block for it (or its parent zone).

Weeeeeeelll, mostly.

built-in empty zones…


> As Steven mentioned, you can set BIND up to act as authoritative for a domain 
> you don't own (e.g. malware.site.tld) so that your users get a false answer 
> to their queries.  It's a pretty common anti-malware/anti-spam practice, and 
> also gets used (for example) in wifi captive portals.
> John
> On 06/03/2013 03:36 PM, Ward, Mike S wrote:
>> Hello all, I was trying to follow the thread on the NXDOMAIN and got lost. 
>> :) I have a question about using forwarders. If the DNS that is using 
>> forwarders receives a query for a zone it's not authoritative for even if 
>> it's in the same network, does it go to the forwarders for zone information? 
>> I'm trying to get my head around what was discussed in the NXDOMAIN thread. 
>> What makes a DNS authoritative for a zone?
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