In article <>,
 hugo hugoo <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Thanks for your answer.
> I see ANY queries from my clients (we do not use open resolvers)

That's strange. Client applications shouldn't use ANY queries, because 
you can't be sure of which record types are in the resolver's cache.

I recall reading years ago that sendmail used ANY queries, presumably so 
it could get both the MX and A record for a name in one fell swoop. But 
this was wrong -- if the A record happened to be cached, there could 
still be an MX record on the auth server that should take precedence, 
but isn't yet cached.
> I do not see why these kind of queries are present.
> Moreover, the cache servers only anbswer with its cache content.
> Is this normal or must the cache query the authoritztive server to fetch all 
> the records?

That's normal. The only time it should recurse is when it doesn't have 
the name in its cache yet.

Barry Margolin
Arlington, MA
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