
I have an issue with domain forwarding.
I'm managing public DNS servers for, say, mydomain.com.

We're currently setting a storage system which relies on DNS for load 
balancing.  The system is made of 4 nodes with IP addresses, 2, 3, 4.
The vendor recommands a stub zone to be created with forwarders set to the 4 IP 
addresses (i.e their storage system acts as a mini-DNS server).
However, we need this resolution to occur over the internet, so obviously the 
stub zone solution does not work because DNS resolvers on the internet would 
retrieve the NS list for the subdomain and try to query it directly.

We need to be able to resolve on the internet anything of the format :
xxxx.storage.mydomain.com or yyyy.xxxx.storage.mydomain.com

so what I need is my public DNS servers to be owners of the 
storage.mydomain.com but still rely on the storage system for more specific 
host resolution.
Some kind of a stealth DNS server but with a forward rather than a master-slave 

We've tried several solutions but none was fully successful.
in mydomain.com zone file :
storage IN NS ns-storage.mydomain.com.
ns-storage IN A
where is a public VIP on the internet that load balances DNS traffic to -> 4

SOLUTION 1 results :
partially works :
when querying google's resolving DNS server for test, both 
xxxx.storage.mydomain.com or yyyy.xxxx.storage.mydomain.com resolve fine to the 
4 private IP addresses.

however, in certain environments, xxxx.storage.mydomain.com works but not 
My guess is that google for some reason sent a recursive query for 
yyyy.xxxx.storage.mydomain.com to the NS of storage.mydomain.com while the 
other environment was sending an iterative query and thus tried to query the 
internal addresses of the storage box.
In the situation that fails what I think is happening is :
Resolver -> mydomain.com NS servers : query NS storage.mydomain.com
mydomain.com NS servers -> resolver : storage.mydomain.com's NS is ns-storage 
which translates to
Resolver -> : query NS for xxxx.storage.mydomain.com -> resolver : returns 4 NS records corresponding to ->4
Resolver ->,2,3 or 4 : fails because private IP is not reachable.

in named.conf :
zone "storage.mydomain.com" {
type forward;
forwarders {; };
//forward only;

I've tried with and without the "forward only directive" - no change.
Tried it with the internal IP addresses 10.x.x.x and external VIP

SOLUTION 2 results :

a dig for xxxx.storage.mydomain.com gives no answer.  Only the authority 
section pointing to ns1.mydomain.com & ns2.

in named.conf :
zone "storage.mydomain.com" {
type forward;
forwarders {; };
//forward only;

in zone file for mydomain.com
storage IN NS ns1.mydomain.com
storage IN NS ns2.mydomain.com

SOLUTION 3 results :
Direct recursive query to mydomain.com name servers works fine
Requests through another resolver do not work.

dig xxx.storage.mydomain.com +trace gives :
mydomain.com.              172800  IN      NS      ns1.mydomain.com.
mydomain.com.              172800  IN      NS      ns2.mydomain.com.
;; Received 117 bytes from in 102 ms

storage.mydomain.com.                 300     IN      NS                    
storage.mydomain.com.                 300     IN      NS                    

mydomain.com.              300     IN      SOA     ns1.mydomain.com. xxxxxxxx
2013011801 3600 900 604800 10800
I sometimes get loops with the following messages :
storage.mydomain.com.                 300     IN      NS                    
storage.mydomain.com.                 300     IN      NS                    
;; Received 117 bytes from xx in 6 ms

 Any advice on how to get this done ?
 Thanks in advance !

Thomas Garsiot
Architecture Réseau/Network Architecture, GISSC, CGI Inc.

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